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The Mardler relies entirely on donations to keep running.  We have no income from government or the National Health Service.

We are all volunteers so there is no wage bill but, based on 2022 prices, it costs us around £100 to setup and support one new listener.  We also need to upgrade our recording and duplicating equipment periodically and that can run into many hundreds of pounds.  Our largest regular expenses are premises rental and insurance.

So every penny counts and every donation is gratefully received no matter how big or small.

You can donate online by bank or credit card via the Givey donation button below.

Or you can send a cheque, made out to “The Mardler”, to:

The Treasurer
The North Norfolk Talking Newspaper Association
26 White Hart Street,
Aylsham. NR11 6HG

If you are a UK tax payer then please consider printing and completing our Gift Aid form and send this with your cheque to the address above.  This will allow us to reclaim the tax paid and will boost your donation by 25%.  Just click the button below and print the form.  If you don’t have access to a printer then please let us know so we can send you one by post.

Gift Aid Form

If you shop online then you can donate at no extra expense if you register with EasyFundraiser at the following link:

Click here to visit the EasyFundraising website.

Or you could take a chance and support us while possibly winning a prize!  Click on the image below to find out more.
Community at Heart Lottery link