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Our Objective:
“to relieve the blind, or visually impaired, or those labouring
under some temporary or permanent incapacity or disability
which makes reading a strain, by the provision of audio material.

Our charity was formed in 1985 and since then we have produced a weekly talking newspaper for the blind and visually impaired who have an interest in North Norfolk. We are all volunteers and get together every week to record, copy and dispatch memory sticks from our studio in Aylsham.

Newsquest Media Group Ltd has generously allowed us to edit and reproduce their weekly newspaper, The North Norfolk News.  The Royal Mail kindly send out and return the memory sticks for free.

Our listeners are provided with appropriate audio equipment funded by the Charity – there are no subscriptions involved.  Our listener liaison officer will visit and demonstrate how to use the memory stick player and is on hand to help resolve any problems.A simple USB memory stick player with a Mardler memory stick inserted

Thoughts on Vision Loss

There are more than two million people living with sight loss in the UK. And it's expected that this figure will increase dramatically in the future – doubling to almost four million by 2050.

(Office for National Statistics 2015)