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Councillor Stuart Dark MBE, Chair of Norfolk County Council, 20th September 2024

Councillor Dark’s theme for his year as Chair of Norfolk County Council is supporting and celebrating volunteers and promoting volunteering in Norfolk.  He declared his wish to visit and thank as many voluntary organisations as possible and The Mardler responded with an invitation.

In a recorded message for our volunteers and listeners he said:

Norfolk has a tradition of people volunteering with over 10,000 people in various places right across our great county that are actually going out and into our communities and doing wonderful work.

So I thought it was really important to come here and say thank you.  It is noticed beyond yourselves and your listeners and it really does make Norfolk a more colourful more vibrant and frankly a better place than it was.

So thank you for all that you are doing.

Councillor Stuart Dark is seated in front of a lectern in our recording studio with a microphone positioned ready to catch his message for The Mardler.
Councillor Dark recorded a brief message to be included in the next edition of The Mardler.
Councillor Dark sits with Sound Engineer Richard.  They are both wearing headphones as they check the recording using the Sound Desk.
Councillor Dark reviews his recording with Sound Engineer Richard.
The Copy and Dispatch team stand together with Councillor Dark in front of a tray of USB memory stick and mailing envelopes.
The Week 3 Copy and Dispatch team. From left to right: Lorna, Jean, Chris, Councillor Dark, Becky and Sheilah.
Councillor Dark places the first USB copy of today's Mardler into a mailing wallet watrched carefully by members of the Copy and Dispatch team.
Councillor Dark placed the first copy of Today’s Mardler into a mailing wallet ready to be posted to a listener.

Our volunteers enjoyed meeting Councillor Dark and appreciated his heart-felt thanks for their service.